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AdventureChasers Enhjørning / Unicorn Pop-op legetelt 182 x 96 x 81 cm

Brand: Bestway Fabrikant / EU-Ansvarlig:
Bestway Europe S.p.a., Via Resistenza, 5 20098 San Giuliano (Mi), Italy
Model:Unicorn Pop-op legetelt 182 x 96 x 81 cm
Fortrydelsesret: 14 dages fuld returret
Bytteservice: Kan byttes før 24. juni
Lager:Min. 20 stk. tilgængelig på eget lager
Stand: Ny

På lager (20+)
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Kun 249,-

  • 1,82 m x 96 cm x 81 cm / 72" x 38" x 32"
  • Produktvægt: 0,812 kg (1,79 Lb)
  • Alle tiders til brug indendørs og i det fri
  • Grafiktryk med venligt dyr
  • Døren holdes åben for at gøre det nemt for børnene at komme ind og ud
  • To netsidevinduer giver udluftning og indblik for forældrene
  • Pop-op-struktur er nemt at stille op og tage ned
  • Alder 2+
  • Bærepose + farvemærke + butiksvenlig pakning
  • Indhold: 1 telt, 1 elastikrem, 1 bærepose

The AdventureChasers™ Unicorn Play Tent provides hours of play without much hassle or setup. The pop-up structure takes seconds to snap into place, and it’s ready for fun. The tent features cute unicorn printing with a crawl-thru entry and exit door. Kids can use their imagination for hours of fun, with endless options for games. Whether they turn it into a clubhouse or take it out stargazing, this tent will provide plenty of adventures! Both sides of the tent are designed with mesh to create a breathable space while also providing parent visibility for safe play. When set up, the tent is even big enough to spend the night in - the perfect size to fit a sleeping bag and kids air mattress. The lightweight fabric, collapsible design of the tent, along with the included carry bag make it easy to haul to a friend’s house or to store away in small areas. Kids will enjoy their Unicorn Play Tent at all times of the day, inside or outside, which makes this a great gift idea for any adventurous toddler.


Vi har været her siden 1998 - altid god service!

  • Byttes i 90 dage
  • Fuld garanti+returret
  • Eget stort lager
  • 100% Dansk firma
  • E-Mærket siden 2002
  • Perfekt Trustpilot
  • Lagervarer sendes
    samme hverdag

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