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Swim Safe ABC Kickboard Grøn m/stof 19-30 kg

Brand: Bestway Fabrikant / EU-Ansvarlig:
Bestway Europe S.p.a., Via Resistenza, 5 20098 San Giuliano (Mi), Italy
Model:Swin Safe Kickboard m/stof 19-30 kg
Fortrydelsesret: 14 dages fuld returret
Bytteservice: Kan byttes før 27. juni
Lager:Min. 20 stk. tilgængelig på eget lager
Stand: Ny

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Kun 69,-

  • Bæreevne: 19-30 kg
  • Med overtræk i grafisk tryk for et trygt greb
  • Trin C: Svømmetræning - Fantastisk til børn, der kan svømme med en smule hjælp
  • Sjov og fantasifuld grafik
  • Elegant ergonomisk design glider gennem vandet
  • Indhold: 1 kickboard

Glide and kick with the greatest of ease with the Swim Safe ABC™ AquaStar™ Kids Fabric Kickboard! Wrapped in a printed fabric featuring fun, imaginative graphics, this kickboard gives your kids, ages 3-6, a comfortable grip as they take the next step in their swim journey.

Part of Step C in the Bestway® Swim Safe ABC step by step program, the sleek, ergonomic design helps your child build their confidence in the water with a little extra support as they master their swim skills.

The Bestway® Swim Safe ABC step by step program begins with Step A floats, which are for babies and toddlers who need the maximum amount of support. Step B swim vests are for toddlers who are starting to gain confidence but can't swim on their own yet, and Step C armbands and other toys are for kids who are starting to learn the fundamentals of swimming.

The Swim Safe ABC AquaStar Kids Fabric Kickboard is an easy, convenient swim tool you can stash in your beach bag for trips to the local pool. Kick off summer with the perfect swim trainer and watch them grow their skills and confidence!


Vi har været her siden 1998 - altid god service!

  • Byttes i 90 dage
  • Fuld garanti+returret
  • Eget stort lager
  • 100% Dansk firma
  • E-Mærket siden 2002
  • Perfekt Trustpilot
  • Lagervarer sendes
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