- Bruger AC 12V sikker spænding gennem en isoleret transformer
- Pumpens vandstrømshastighed (pumpekapacitet): 2.574 l/t (680 gal./t)
- Vandgennemstrømning med integreret bassinsystem (systemets flowhastighed): 2.574 l/t (680 gal./h)
- Ikke kompatibel med stålvægsbassiner
- Nem installation
- Der kræves ingen ekstra slanger eller adaptere
- Automatisk filtrering og rensning
- Bruger 58012 filterpatron III
- Stor tank opsuger flydende blade og andet snavs
- Kører lydsvagt
- Til bassiner på 1.100-20.500 liter (300-5.400 gallons)
- Anvend kun batteridrevne apparater og hånddrevne redskaber
- Tilsluttes med et selvstændigt 32mm stik, kan fungere sammen med Bestway® 58212 og 58234 bassinrensesæt
- Indhold: En Skimatic filterpumpe
The Flowclear™ 680 gal. (2,574 L) Skimatic™ Filter Pump is a filtration system combining a surface and water skimmer – with no extra hoses needed! This innovative pump by Bestway® is simple and easy to install in your above ground pool* – simply hang it over the edge of the pool, plug it in, be sure it is immersed in water and watch as it starts to go to work cleaning your pool! Plus, it works silently – no more noisy pumps! The Skimatic filter pump has a large capacity tank that sucks in floating leaves and other debris, keeping your pool water fresh and clean. The Skimatic can be cleaned with a water hose daily – just be sure you have it unplugged before you do any maintenance on the pump. It utilizes #58012 filter cartridges, which we recommend changing every 2 weeks for optimal use. For use with 1,100-20,500 L (300-5,400 gallons) pools. You will love your Skimatic Filter Pump! *For use with all above ground pools except Steel Wall Pools.