- DuraPlus™ punkteringsfaste, UV-bestandige sidevægge er sikre mod vægt, belastninger og bevægelser
- Vandmængde (80%): 9.677 L (2.556 gal.)
- Realistisk tryk med rattan fletværk på udvendige vægge
- Nem opsætning på 10 minutter uden værktøj
- Vælg et vandret og jævnt underlag, pust topringen op, og poolen hæver sig i takt med, at den fyldes med vand
- Indbygget aftømningsventil med flowregulering sættes til en haveslange til aftømning af vandet
- Nem at tage ned til opbevaring uden for sæsonen
- 220-240V~, 2.006 L (530 gal.) pumpevandets flowhastighed, 1.817 L (480 gal.) integreret bassinsystem, vandets flowhastighed, kompatibel med filterpatron 58094 (II)
- Bassinet er udstyret med fittings for kompatibilitet med Flowclear™ filterpumper
- Indhold: 1 bassin, nr. 58381 filterpumpe
With this quick and easy Bestway® Fast Set™ Pool Set, you’ll be ready for a pool day in no time! The Fill & Rise set-up process is simple - just select a level surface, inflate the top ring and the pool will rise as it’s filled up with water. The sturdy DuraPlus™ liner is made out of an ultra-durable 3-layer material that is reinforced for strength and is 85% more puncture-resistant than PVC. The attractive liner also features a realistic rattan print that will bring a classy look and feel to your backyard. When the season’s over, storage is fast and simple. The water releases easily through the flow control drain valve, and then the pool can fold up for compact off-season storage. Also included with the set is a filter pump to help keep the water clean. This pool is the ideal choice for families looking for a quick and easy pool option for their backyard. Kids will enjoy spending their summer days splashing and playing in the water, and parents can enjoy a nice and relaxing dip as well. The season won’t be complete without the convenient Fast Set Pool from Bestway!