- Indbygget 220-240 V~ elektrisk luftpumpe pumper hoppegården op på få minutter
- Udvikler:
- Grovmotoriske færdigheder: Stimulerer barnets evne til at komme op og bevæge sig omkring og få kontrol over deres krop og bevægelse
- Fantasi: Opmuntrer barnet til at drømme om nye måder at betragte deres omverden på
- Tryghed og kommunikation: Fremmer barnets selvværd gennem interaktiv leg
- Netsidevægge giver indblik for forældrene
- Kravleindgang
- Indhold: 1 hoppegård, reparationslap
Kids will jump for joy when they see the Bestway® Energetic Elephant™ Bouncer set up and ready for play time all year round! Kids will love the fun elephant graphics, while parents are sure to love the built-in pump that will inflate and deflate this bouncer in just 3 minutes at the touch of a button. This bouncer is super simple to inflate, deflate and store. The Energetic Elephant Bouncer features mesh sidewalls, so you’ll be able to easily keep an eye on the kids as they bounce the day away. Plus, jump time will be extra fun as the elephant’s ears move with each bounce! Play time is just 3 minutes away with the Energetic Elephant Bouncer with Built-in Pump!