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Bestway AQUADRIFT Automatisk Pool Renser

Brand: Bestway Fabrikant / EU-Ansvarlig:
Bestway Europe S.p.a., Via Resistenza, 5 20098 San Giuliano (Mi), Italy
Model:Bestway AQUADRIFT Automatisk Pool Renser
Fortrydelsesret: 14 dages fuld returret
Bytteservice: Kan byttes før 22. juni
Lager:Min. 10 stk. tilgængelig på eget lager
Stand: Ny

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Kun 589,-

  • Passer til filterpumper eller sandfiltre med flowhastigheder på 5.678-12.113 L/t (1.500-3.200 gal/t)
  • Passer til bassiner på jorden på op til 6,70 m (22') i diameter
  • Automatisk bassinrenser bruger strømmen fra filteret til at køre sig sig selv hen ad bassinbunden og indsamle snavs
  • Skridfaste hjul, der kan køre i alle retninger, øger bevægeligheden og ændrer retninger, når bassinrenseren rammer en væg eller andre forhindringer
  • Justerbare indstillinger til valg af hjulenes retninger og vinkler
  • Håndtaget gør det nemt at tage den op af vandet
  • Stor 1,7 L (0.45 gal.) let tømt sipose
  • Børste i bunden opsamler snavset
  • Ventil til justering af flowhastighed til brug med filtreringssystemer med forskellig flowhastighed
  • Med slanger og tilkoblinger, der passer til de fleste førende bassinpumper
  • Indhold: 1 AquaDrift

The Flowclear™ AquaDrift™ Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner is a great solution for anyone who wants a clean pool with virtually no effort. The water-propelled design provides an easy way to keep your pool water clean all season long as the vacuum moves across the bottom of the pool on its own. It is easy to use, with handles that make it simple to retrieve the device out of the water. Let the AquaDrift automatic pool cleaner do the dirty work for you!

How it Works:
Simply connect the cleaner's hose to your filter pump, place it in the pool, and it will take off. The power from the filter will allow the vacuum to maneuver itself across the floor of your pool. The brush along the bottom of the cleaner will help collect debris such as dirt, leaves and sand in the basket before it reaches your filter, not only prolonging the life of your pump but also keeping your pool sparkling clean for you. The multidirectional wheels give this item full mobility to reach the full area of your pool. Featuring 3 adjustability settings, you can also change the direction and angle of the wheels manually. 

Pool Compatibility:
Recommended for above ground pools up to 6.70 m (22 ft.) in diameter, with cartridge and sand filter pumps with flow rates of 5,678-12,113 L/h (1,500-3,200 gal./h). With all hoses and equipment compatible with most leading pool pump brands included, set up is also a breeze.

Sit back, relax and let the AquaDrift Automatic Pool Vacuum do all the cleaning for you this summer.


Vi har været her siden 1998 - altid god service!

  • Byttes i 90 dage
  • Fuld garanti+returret
  • Eget stort lager
  • 100% Dansk firma
  • E-Mærket siden 2002
  • Perfekt Trustpilot
  • Lagervarer sendes
    samme hverdag

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