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Bestway Underlag til Pool 335x335 cm

Brand: Bestway Fabrikant / EU-Ansvarlig:
Bestway Europe S.p.a., Via Resistenza, 5 20098 San Giuliano (Mi), Italy
Model:Underlag til Pool 335x335 cm
Fortrydelsesret: 14 dages fuld returret
Bytteservice: Kan byttes før 12. juni
Lager:Min. 20 stk. tilgængelig på eget lager
Stand: Ny

På lager (20+)
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Kun 149,-

  • Robust PE-materiale
  • Giver ekstra beskyttelse til bassinbunden
  • Passer til bassiner på jorden på op til 3,05 m (10’) i diameter
  • Fuldt indfarvet boks
  • Indhold: En bunddug

The Flowclear™ Ground Cloth is designed to protect your above ground pool from wear and tear caused by pebbly turf, pointy twigs and other ground debris. The ground cloths are simply placed on the spot you plan to set up your Bestway® pool. One of the benefits of the ground cloths is that they offer fantastic protection for your lawn. If water spills over the edge of the pool, it simply accumulates on the surface, saving you from sinking knee deep in sludge when you exit your Bestway® pool. Fits 10ft. (3.05m) Fast Set™ Pools and 10ft. (3.05m) Steel Pro™TM Pools.


Vi har været her siden 1998 - altid god service!

  • Byttes i 90 dage
  • Fuld garanti+returret
  • Eget stort lager
  • 100% Dansk firma
  • E-Mærket siden 2002
  • Perfekt Trustpilot
  • Lagervarer sendes
    samme hverdag

Fokus Produkter

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  • Bestway Flowclear Pavillion / Baldakin til ru


  • Bestway Solar Pool overdækning 549 cm


  • Bestway overdækning 244 cm til Fast Set Pool


  • Bestway Solar Pool overdækning 366 - 396 cm


  • Bestway Overdækning 427cm til Steel Pro / Pow


  • Bestway Overdækning 404 x 201 cm + 412 x 201
